How To Distinguish Inferior Eyelashes?

How To Distinguish Inferior Eyelashes?

In the eyelash business, the most feared thing is to buy inferior eyelashes. If you sell to your customers without knowing it, you will be claimed by the customers, your lash brand will not have market reputation, and your customers will lose a lot. It will be difficult to continue its business, and the end result is business failure.

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Therefore, when you receive your sample  order from Lash Vendors first time, you need to conduct spot checks on your eyelashes. As a seller of high-end eyelashes, we will provide you with several inspection tips.

Look at the structure of the eyelashes.
Reliable Eyelash Vendors has their own designers, the shape of good eyelashes is designed by the world’s most professional designers according to the structure of flowers.And according to the shape of people’s eyes and face eyelashes design more beautiful.

Look at the tip of your eyelashes.

Inferior eyelashes do not have sharp hair tip.This is because they are made of inferior raw materials, which are very cheap and have not been well selected.

Look at the density of eyelashes
Good eyelashes are very fluffy, soft, and the density is very uniform, and the density pattern is more perfect.However, inferior quality eyelashes have different density and structure, which makes them look cheap.

Look at the appearance of eyelashes
Only the high-end eyelashes look very beautiful, fashionable, very realistic, giving people a sense of luxury. Feeling good about high-end eyelashes is the key to luxury eyelashes, making women around the world more beautiful, attractive and confident.

Smell eyelashes
Inferior eyelash, can have the taste of chemical liquid medicine, this kind of eyelash is very big to the harm of the eye.It may cause skin allergy, infection, and even skin ulceration. In severe cases, it may cause blindness.

Touch your eyelashes
Feel the eyelashes to see if they are smooth and supple. Poor quality eyelashes are very coarse and not very supple. Feel the materials. You can touch mink eyelashes and your hair, and the two feeling is the same.

Feel the eyelash band.
If you pull the eyelash band, what is very soft and smooth is our high-end eyelash.It conforms to the ergonomic structure and has a certain radian. It is very flexible.However, poor quality eyelashes, the middle of the eyelash stem is not smooth, there are several partitions.

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